The Hailey Herald

The Hailey Herald

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pushed aside, but oh so real

As most of you know, Hailey's first birthday is rapidly approaching.  It will be here in a few days over a month.  Many days, I ask myself, where has the time gone?  Other times, I, it has only been a year!  I know I am the same person I was last February when my precious little girl was born.  But I'm not the same person Talking in circles, I know. 

To say that Hailey's birth was emotional is quite an understatement.  I thought a year would make some of the emotions surrounding her diagnosis disappear.  Nope, I still remember them.  I don't carry them with me the way I wore them those first few months.  They have been pushed aside and filed away.  They are a little duller but some of them resurface from time to time.  Some days they can even put me into a full cry session.  Some of the emotions have evolved or changed. 

I might bore people with the next few blog posts as I revisit those feelings as I work on closing the chapter of Hailey's first year look forward to starting a new one!

I would start with the first one tonight but my eyes can't stay open long enough to type!!

In looking at this is hard to believe some of those feelings every existed!  Please ignore the prunes and Mexican food that adorns her face in these!


  1. Kamdyn's first birthday brought on all of those same feelings for me, and honestly, as we approach her second, I am starting to revisit them, as well. Celebrate how far you've come, because it's pretty awesome.

  2. You know where I was just a few short weeks ago. I think it'll happen off and on, like Tricia said. And yes, that face really does a good job of showing you your blessings, prunes, Mexican food and all. (Oh I figured out I could refresh the page and it would give me the option to comment- so problem solved!)

  3. This is EXACTLY what I was feeling just before, and after, Russell's first Birthday!! Back then I thought I was the only one who was reliving those powerful emotions that Russell's birth brought and I felt foolish for still feeling it an entire year later. It really helps to know others went through this also. Write whatever is in your heart, it will help heal that hurt and put those feelings to rest.
