The Hailey Herald

The Hailey Herald

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring almost here

Hello's Hailey again.  I've taken over the blog tonight.  Mommy thinks she is getting sick so she is taking it easy.  Mommy said the weather in the Midwest is normally not like this in March so we need to enjoy it while it lasts because Mother Nature could change her mind.  I'm not sure what that means but okay...for now, it means we have lots of playtime outside. 

I've been driving around the cul-de-sac in my new pink car (until I fall asleep).  Apparently, I fell asleep and almost hit the steering wheel today.  Thank goodness mommy's friend picked me up while mommy got the stroller for me to nap.  Mommy was laughing too hard...I almost hit my head!

Big brother even pushes me around sometimes.
Mommy is excited.  All of her flowers started blooming...I guess that is a good thing.  I don't remember any of that from last year.

Mommy said that the nice weather makes the boys act a little crazy....we still aren't sure what big brother E was doing in the cabinet.  Mommy was surprised he still fits in it!
I didn't pay much attention to him....I was too busy enjoying my spaghetti.

Today, I had an evaluation with EI.  Mommy seemed to think it went okay.  They came up with new goals for the next six months.  Everyone was excited that I met all of the last ones.  I wasn't in the mood to do everything they asked me to do so I just made funny faces at them and gave my therapist L big hugs and kisses.  That seemed to make her happy but mommy seemed a little annoyed that I wasn't paying attention.  I decided to do some of it as soon as they left the house.  I can't show them everything at once.  They might get too excited!

After picking E up at school, mommy said we were heading to the park for a picnic.  E ate really fast to play on the playground.  He made new friends...he always does.

Mommy then said it was time to let me go on the swings.  She keeps showing me pics of all the other babies swinging and I was starting to get jealous, they look like they are having so much fun!  Mommy said my big brothers never liked the swings.  I don't know what was wrong with them.  It was so much fun...eventually!  At first it was different and I wasn't positive of it.  I wasn't in the mood for all the pictures so every time mommy put her camera down, I smiled really big because it was so much fun.  Here are a ton of them anyway...I think mommy is nuts sometimes!

Hope everyone else is having good weather and enjoying it!


  1. Hailey, you look like you were having a very fine time on those swings. When we go to the park, I don't ever want my mommy to take me out of the swings; they are my favorite thing! ~Miss K

    1. I think she could have stayed on there forever! The issue we had was it might have been too much adrenaline because she refused her nap that day!

  2. Replies
    1. Ellie's pics in the swings have been too cute...I had to try them! Now, if I can find some closer to our house!

  3. Hailey, we have the same pink car!!! I love my car too! Miss Madi

  4. Hailey, I'm loving spring too! My mom pushes me around in my red car all the time. Colin wants to push me too but he pushes to fast. Love, Ben

    1. Ben...that photo is deceiving...that is actually my big brother stopping me from going down the driveway backwards (he wasn't paying attention!). Mom said she'll drive me from now on! --Hailey
