The Hailey Herald

The Hailey Herald

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thank You!

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who read the blog through the month of October.  I know I had some non-Ds parents read it and everyone seemed very receptive to all of it.  I was very excited with the feedback that I received.  I'm not sure I changed any minds or perceptions, but I'm sure that all of our family and friends that did read will pass their positive feelings onto their children. In turn, this will make the world a better place for Hailey and others with Down syndrome.

I'm going to continue writing...probably not every day!  Feel free to continue following our journey with our 3 children!

Thank you again!

Here are pics from Halloween...I think we have some adorable children :-)

Hailey with her Minnie pumpkin

This really shouldn't surprise anyone :-)

Minnie, Spiderman & the Reds

Our little strawberry

My ninjas and's impossible to get a good pic of them!

The weather was so miserable that she only made it about 10 minutes

Hailey eyeing the boys and their candy

Trying to eat through the wrapper!

Rotten as ever!


  1. And what a cute little strawberry she was too!!! Love the Minnie pumpkin!!!! Looks like everyone had a great time!!!

    1. They had a ball...I just wish it wasn't so chilly and rainy in Ohio that night!

  2. I love all your posts during October! They were so insightful and so well thought out!
