The Hailey Herald

The Hailey Herald

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

My thoughts got jumbled up today so instead of some thought provoking post about motherhood (baby girl teething...two molars & bottom tooth...not enough attached)...the joy and work and how much it has enriched my life...I will wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day and share a few pics of what makes this day so special to me!


  1. You has a great blog. I'm very interesting to stopping here and leaves you a comment. Good work.

    Lets keep writing and share your information to us.

    Nb: Dont forget to leave your comment back for us.

  2. Happy Mother's Day, Laura! Hailey looks like such a big girl. Where did our babies go?

  3. Oh my word! I was just scrolling through blogs, when I realized that I typed "Laura." What an awful lapse! I'm so sorry Michelle. Can't believe I did that. (Could it be the fact that my girl woke up over 20 times last night and spent part of the day vomiting all over everything in sight? Perhaps... but even that's not a good excuse.) xoxo

    1. Yes, I think that is a perfect excuse! Don't worry about it. I have brain lapses all the time...more recently as Hailey is cutting 2 molars and at least one other! Hope Cora is feeling better!

  4. Belated Happy Mother's Day Michelle!
