The Hailey Herald

The Hailey Herald

Friday, October 7, 2011

My Rock...

I am so very thankful for all the support from family and friends over the past 7 months.  Everyone has been my sounding board or lent a shoulder to cry on.  My rock has been my husband.  There are days he drives me today when he was off, he started a project (that, yes, needed done) but it created extra work for me along the way.

Life has always been interesting with him...our journey started 18 years ago and we have been married for 10 this December.  Up until this year, we've had obstacles and challenges but as some of you know, these were a little larger than every day life. 

Life threw us a little off track this year.  Hailey deciding to come over 4 weeks early....not waiting for my c-section (or at least some pain medication)...her DS diagnosis...her heart defect diagnosis...her heart surgery.  Yes, most of these are bigger than other obstacles we have encountered but like all of them we are weathering through them and will be stronger for it.

Jason has been a fabulous father since the day they placed Brayden in his arms and tears streamed down his face.  Hard to believe that day was over 8 years ago.  He has more patience with the boys.  I love hearing the squeals from the boys when he walks through the door after work.  They are velcroed to him until they are tucked into bed for the night.  I'm positive it won't be long before Hailey follows in their footsteps.  Her daddy is head over heels in love with her.

Jason followed Hailey to the NICU the afternoon she was born.  He wasn't taking his eyes off of his little girl.  He came back with the neonatalogist  to give me the news of Hailey being born with DS.  He took me to see Hailey in the NICU, never moving from my side.  I listened to him sob that night when he thought I was sleeping.  I think  he took the diagnosis harder than I did.  He fast-forwarded into the the "future" we thought she would have.  He disappeared for hours that night.  It wasn't until a few weeks later that I found out he sat by Hailey's bed holding her hand and talking to her. 

After the NICU stay, we dealt with the unknown of her heart defect, which was so much worse than a diagnosis of DS.  My husband has been my reality stability....he keeps me grounded.  He listens to my rants and talks me off of my "ledge"!  My children are so lucky to have him as their dad and I'm so grateful to have him as my partner in life.

Here are a few (okay...maybe a lot!)  pics of my rock :-)

I really think he is the "sleep whisperer"....he can get her to sleep even when it isn't nap time!

This pic is from last night...I laughed so hard...this is the image that prompted today's post!  I think we need a bigger chair!


  1. You can see the love in his eyes in all the pictures ~ you have a great hubby!!!

  2. Those early pictures of he and Hailey are just beautiful. You had me crying here. So lucky.

  3. I love seeing babies with their daddies - there is something really wonderful about the tenderness than men have with their children. And that last picture is so cute with all the kids snuggled up!
