I'm not sure why, but this post from last year about Hailey's therapies was the most read of all my blog posts. We have spent a great deal of time in therapy over the past 2 1/2 years. Some at home through early intervention and some privately at children's hospital. With any child who needs therapy, your therapists become your team. Yes, they work for you, but they cheer for your child, they support your child and you, they want the best for your child. They see you at your best and your worst. They can begin to feel like family. We have had a fabulous team that Hailey responds to. Following is a look into what those sessions looked like....
Lots of typical children have physical therapy...some children are born with low tone or need some tweaking to meet certain goals. Lot of typical children attend speech therapy. My sons' preschool even screened for speech issues. Not all children need both. Unfortunately, most children with Down syndrome need physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy while they are younger. Hailey receives therapy through the county EI services (Help Me Grow in Ohio), but right now we are also in a rotation of private therapy. We are on our current program through the end of the year and then we are planning on a 6-8 week break.
Many insurance companies will not pay for two therapies in one day. This adds an additional appointment to a family's schedule. We are very fortunate, our insurance will allow us to schedule physical therapy and speech therapy in the same day (actually at the same time). I was very skeptical of this therapy model at first. I didn't understand how Hailey could effectively receive both therapies together. It actually seemed to abstract until I attended my first session. After that, I was sold. I look forward to Hailey's sessions (I dislike the drive downtown, but I love the sessions!).
I'm winding down to the end of October and honestly have been running out of topics so I thought it would be a good idea to show you what Hailey's therapy sessions look like. Hailey was a tad obstinate at her last session. She has been out of sorts with a cold and would only work when she decided it was time, but here is a brief glimpse into a combo therapy session (Fortunately Jen & Abbey agreed to letting me take their picture!).
Hailey & Jen singing the end of the word song...Hailey was refusing to speak at this point. |
Singing Itsy Bitsy Spider...Hailey was warming up a little. |
Hailey making Jen point to the animals |
Hailey working her core on the ball while saying alphabet sounds. |
Hailey deciding that she wants to hold the book and that she needs to stand instead. |
Squatting to pick up an apple and then matching it on the paper. |
Wall squats |
Pointing at animals in a book while Abbey makes her do wall squats |
Hailey really HATES wall squats! |
Once again...Hailey decided that she needs the book |
Hailey working on sounds and sharing them with her best friend :-) |
Using the k-walker and flashcards |
She's done with walking and tries to make a break for it! |
I am truly grateful for Hailey's therapy team. I know they are getting paid for the work they do, but I am positive of how much they care for their clients. They want the absolute best for Hailey and want her to succeed as much as her family does!
You can read more about and from Hailey's speech therapist at her blog
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