The Hailey Herald

The Hailey Herald

Monday, October 21, 2013

Something We Took For Granted (31 for 21)

There are many things that I took for granted when the boys were little.  The boys are what most professionals would call "typical", even though I think they have plenty of things that are quite odd!  When it comes to learning and developing, they are in the range of typical.  I took for granted that the boys would learn gross motor wise.  That they would learn to roll over, crawl, sit up, walk.  There wasn't hours and hours of exercising and motivating them to accomplish those milestones like there was with Hailey.  We always just assumed they would learn how to do those things.  With Hailey, every milestone took a lot of time, energy and a lot of hard work on Hailey's part.  As soon as one milestone was hit, we had to look on to the next one and prepare to work toward that goal.

The biggest thing I took for granted was speech.  Brayden was our first and we loved those first words (even though it was Dada).  He spoke on time and then onto sentences.  Ian was what I commonly refer to as a "freak of nature".  He was speaking full sentences by 2 and at 2 1/2 knew the full starting line-up for the Cincinnati Reds, their positions and what hand they batted.  We never questioned them speaking.  We didn't really work hard.  It just "happened".  It was expected to happen.  With Hailey, it is hard.  We jumped on sign language as soon as we could.  Until she could form her words, we wanted to communicate with her any way that we could learn.  We were thrilled when she started signing "more", "milk", "all done" and "eat".  (Notice the common theme...her stomach!).  Fortunately, her signing vocabulary is well over 100.  Verbal words have not come as easy for her.  She just recently learned to make the hard "c" sound and the "g" sound.  She doesn't always add the end of the word, but this week she started saying "cracker"...the entire word!  It might seem small to some, but it is huge!  Little by little, she is adding verbal words into her every day communication.  It has been a long road and we still have a long way to go, but we have lots of cues that she will talk one day and that it will be clear..."bottle, cracker, purple, bubble, Lambie, doctor, mom, dad, mamaw, papaw and home" are crystal clear (few others, but my mind is drawing a blank!)

There is a great deal of frustration with Hailey's speech.  She can't always verbalize what she wants and we don't always understand some of her signs (she knows way more than her mom and dad do!). Other adults can't always understand her nor other children.  I appreciate all of our family and friends that have learned some sign language and who are very patient trying to understand Hailey.  It means a lot to us.  Trust me, that girl is a fighter and she is trying with all she's got.  Just like she does with everything in her life....she doesn't give up and neither do we!

Hailey decided to befriend this wooden bear last week.  It was quite funny!


  1. Ellie has great difficulty with speech as well. She is just now trying to make different sounds and say the beginning of words that begin with "b". She signs a great deal but she tends to make some up. Then there is great frustration when I don't understand her--I mean, come on, how was I supposed to know that the sign for sandwich is also her sign for donut!? Anyway, it sounds like Hailey is doing great. I love how she is wearing her stethoscope in those pics

  2. I echo Anna's sentiments. Cal has a handfull of "words". Everything that drives is an "ukkkkkk" which sometimes sounds like Buck but he won't say "buck". The similar situations continue and like Anna says, Cal makes up his own signs and I feel so bad when I cannot keep up with him this way. In time.

  3. Its so exciting when they can say the whole word with the correct sounds and you can hear them so clearly! Great job Hailey! There are still times that I don't know what Kayla is saying because of those oral motor issues getting in the way of being able to pronounce certain sounds.

  4. Yay for Hailey saying cracker! Russell use to get lazy with his speech and never fully finish a word, he's getting better at that though. Speech is something I took for granted too. I never realized what a huge process it was either.
